souse chef

money money money

I ask this every time Dallas plays Washington.

Lies are an offense. And offense is the only way to score points and win the game.

The Russian embassy compound in Warsaw is amazing. It's a whole small town. I guess it makes sense since, like Washington these days, all of Poland was once ruled from there.

Why would she? People were willing to pay her just to show up and serve word salad.

And still missed.

Does she? Most lawyers would have advised her not to do almost everything that she's ever done.

Who are you calling Ma'am?

Uh, yeah, that's a thing that happened. That was something in real life. Palin did that stupid shit and then that guy shot the innocent person that Palin targeted. What exactly does she want out of this? Is she going to give Gabbie Giffords anything she wins from this? Not likely.

On my mom's side they decided to change their last name on the boat to the US because they didn't want the people they left behind to find them. On my dad's side? They were either stupid or didn't care because I have a German last name that is literally impossible in German. I know quite a few ways to spell my last

But then the taste of tasty tasty bacon overwhelmed everything.

Goddammit. I hate 3D glasses.

An old roommate of mine makes individual meatloaf balls that we call Desmond Bombs after another of our friends who can't eat the cheese, onion and garlic that are necessary ingredients.

…and this is how we will impeach Trump. Burnt steak. With ketchup. If congress won't impeach him then The Hague will convict him.

She didn't fry enough bacon. My mom collected it in coffee cans. The big ones. She's not dead yet either.

That doesn't work. Burgher's don't care what happens to their town as long as they've got their big gold chain and their remarkably large turkey leg.

I thought the point of the song was that if you want to get the come then you have to deal with the cock first.

It's in Poland not Germany so as far as I know denying the Holocaust is not criminal there. Just wrong. Like in the US.

He'd like us to know that he does not gargle piss. But we know better. Has anyone called him?

Auschwitz (I and II, III is completely gone) was gratifyingly educational and surprisingly not as gruesome as expected. The Holocaust Museum in DC is much more explicit and my 7th grade social studies class was as well. But it's different when you're actually there. The most disturbing thing was the ride there and