souse chef

There has never been honor among thieves. Would you like me to introduce you to a few Republicans?

Yep. There was a nice long walk through Auschwitz II (Birkenau) with no shade on a hot day. I checked my pulse periodically but felt horribly guilty each time. Who am I to complain? Here?

Those electoral college maps that he he handed out were really just ceremonially placemats for the burnt steak and ketchup sacrifices that he was offering to the God of War.

That makes more sense. I've been to many pride parades in Chicago and have marched in many more as well and I can guarantee you that the organizers don't give a damn about your politics and usually provide a platform for opposing opinions. I've marched with ACT UP and Queer Nation alongside politicians, health

I thought that was the whole plot of Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ. I mean it wasn't in the Bible but I don't think spoilers are required for a 13 year old movie.

Gah. That irritates me too. I'm not your daddy and I don't respond well to women who sound like little girls. But then I've got male privilege so I don't really get a vote on how women fight back against patriarchy. Or, in Jackson's case, just give in to it.

Tiffany Trump is jealous. But she's smart enough to realize that it's better to keep quiet so that Donald will continue to forget that she exists.

I'm back from Austria and Poland where surprisingly I got a tan.

The only reason that I can think of for missing The Patti Labelle Show would be work. And I was a busboy then so I don't see how that would have happened on Thanksgiving. If I went to my family's like I suspect then we do dinner around one so surely I would have been home by nine CST. Maybe I got back to Milwaukee and

There used to be a gay oriented newspaper in Milwaukee called the Wisconsin Light whose motto was "Give the people light and they will find their way". It was proud "yellow" journalism in the respect that it would report the truth, politics be damned. There was no running and getting opposing "opinion" when facts

He knows what's in Trump Water. Lead is for the poors and the blacks.

Thank goddess we're moving away from the lottery year. There were two surprising highlights in the last season of Roseanne. I never knew that I wanted an Absolutely Fabulous crossover.

Damn, Cavett's got a great lineup today.

Would you ask Henry Kissinger that?

That's just being pragmatic. Since the child is likely to not have health insurance it is important that the child has the protection of Jesus or all hell will break loose.

The point was that Led Zeppelin and their label made their money by stealing the music. So is it theft to steal stolen goods? If you nick a gold chalice off of the king of thieves does this somehow harm the actual owner?

It's just one turtle all of the way down.

If I'm dead I won't be feeling shadenfreude.

I don't care. I love them both.

What if it's Led Zeppelin? Neither they nor their label need your money and neither they nor their label ever bothered to pay the old black guys who wrote the songs.