They count like Discworld trolls: one, two, many.
They count like Discworld trolls: one, two, many.
We're always speaking of Dame Edna and frankly it's getting boring. Barry Humphries needs to get back to work.
Or at least Ryuichi Sakamoto.
With any luck it will be the last.
I'll get hurt (or die).
They seem to be unaware how many people there are like me who simply cannot be without insurance for 6 months. So if I make a payment and it gets misfiled (don't tell me that's never happened to you) then the computer just gave me a death sentence.
– Ambrose Bierce (June 24, 1842 - after December 26, 1913)
Not an orgy.
The food was bad and the portions were terrible.
That's okay. I was promised jet packs.
Catch up.
Don't trust #27. He's got black oil leaking out of his wherever.
I ain't got no Bozo nose but I also won't be around to see the Democratic victory lap if I lose my healthcare. This is no joke.
sarcastic upvote
Is your dad George Jetson? Are you Judy!
I don't care how much they brag. I'm not going to eat a Trump. I have standards. Now pass me that rat.
I had just about all of the Viennese beers and am working my way throught the Polish ones with sidetrips in vodka.
I bet I'd love your mom. I've got one more chance for a schnitzel in Vienna on the way home but I happily surrendered to sausages. I'm afraid of the schnitzels though. My young nieces would order them off the child's menu and the portions were too large. Meanwhile tonight I think we're going to an Argentinian…
He filed for reelection back in January. It doesn't mean that he'll actually run. It does mean he can keep collecting money.
I forgot to mention that I actually saw horse tartar on the menu today in Krakow. I passed on it and went for herring two ways which turned out to be the same two ways that it's served in Milwaukee so I was happy. And also some dish that I will never be able to name that is some kind of ground pork sausage, mushrooms…