Jack Wittgenstein

You should be a reviewer Kip: your nails on the head post was all kinds of awesome in its scathingness.

I feel your pain. When we saw the swastika as they shook hands, I thought the show overplayed its hand.

I watched this on fast forward, and it was still unwatchable.

So now that everything is coming together the Bridge is starting to fall apart?

Braquo? The article doesn't write about the French cop series, but was originally going to. How did you know?

One of the problems of the show (in my view) is that it failed to adequately explore Jesse as a surrogate for Walt jr. The latter emerges as a mere substitute instead (as opposed to a broken Jesse taking the place of someone that Walt can't fix).

I was more commenting on the fact that it doesn't quite cohere with Walt's increasing sociopathy. It obviously made some sense in the past, but…not so much anymore.

Wasn't a major development glossed over? (Hank confiding in an incredulous partner about Walt). How did that happen off screen, and why aren't reviewers commenting about the contrivance?

A recently published article about three cult scifi/fantasy shows we should all be watching.

I'm no longer watching and rely on the AV Club to entertain me instead. So many thanks to the reviewer and commenters alike.

Arquette deserves better than this shitty role - and its amazing how ineffectual Liev is in this (compared to the more comedic Clear History, where he exudes presence and/or menace)

very funny, and so true.

Great review - or overview - Phil.

Yep, and if you listen to one of the distorted phone calls, it sounds like Levine trying to disguise his voice.

I already know who the killer is. Are you saying that - all said and done - that its still possible to appreciate Broadchurch despite this knowledge?

Thanks for the even handed reply - and for not taking exception to my condescending tone.

If you don't think this show is about  good and evil, morality appears to be a blind spot for you. At the very least,  you fail to see the moral compass the show itself provides.

I'm part of the circle jerk - there's no denying that or pretending otherwise.


The AV Club is not the site for sophisticated or nuanced arguments - so I'm not sure why people were somehow expecting a well 'argued' case against the show.