Does anybody else find Dany's arc a little…pandering?
Does anybody else find Dany's arc a little…pandering?
It seems a strange way to introduce a point of view, and I can't help but wonder if Theon is really being tortured by his own guilt.
To those who have read the books: what is the point of the Theon Greyjoy storyline? What role does it play in the narrative? What themes does it serve or illustrate?
Yep, complete bullshit…and the scene itself was the flies on top.
Okay since I think it has been heretofore agreed that we should have a
Not even Neil Gaiman can redeem this show anymore.
That was inserted retrospectively though.
Why does everyone assume the fall was intentional? maybe it just happened and they left it in to fit the spirit of the moment.
How can Mad Men get away with tarring a real brand like Jaguar without literally paying any consequences?
I'm prepared to take all new comers from behind.
Todd loves Don.
Good one dugeonmaster. Can I have another potatoe chip?
I'm disappointed the show was so willing to traffic in caricatures about 'internet trolls' - Maron should have lifted his game instead of making cheap shots at easy targets. It would have been better if the troll was his vet or Foley.
A wonderfully written review that made me appreciate the episode even more.
As much as I loved the show, I thought that the way it told its story *through Robin's eyes* was very unconvincing. It was fractured and odd to say the least, and the pieces only came together when it was convenient.
Alasdair Wilkins is a great writer, and somehow manages to make individual episodes more interesting than they are.
For some reason, the fifth episode is already available as a torrent. I would have assumed that the fourth would have leaked instead.
This is an excellent overview of the problems of 'news' in real time. The site should consider doing more of these pieces - not unlike Popmatters Flash Points (which is looking for a new home and a more engaged readership).
What I don't understand is why she wants to be ruler if all she's going to do is free everybody.