Jack Wittgenstein

Why does she need to learn to rule? She has always hit the ground running and/or improvised her way through situations.

To those that have read the books: a question about Dany's role in the novels (originally conceived as a trilogy and apparently now spiraling out of control)

Scary ring!

After the season finale, do you still think the idea leftfield? Even his ex wife suspected he might be gay.

It didn't take long for the show to revert to its default setting: Cliffnotes tv.

Wow, that was just terrible - the very personification of generic and third rate.

To anyone who has read most of the books (and no spoilers please): does Jamie remain an interesting character, or does he become increasingly pathetic?

This review hit so many nails on the head its a balletic feat of carpentry. 

I dunno. I've been watching Doctor Who for years, and grew up on various incarnations of the show.

Some people are just complete tools.

Where's Lexx's Brigadoom?

Mike Myers gave his best performance during  the Katrina telethon.

The great thing about this series is its ability to revitalize (by now) all too familiar cliches and tropes.

Are anybody else's notifications blacked out (near login box)? What does it mean?

I've found the episodes to be very hit and miss, and I'm not sure I'd influence your judgment either way.

The season should have ended with Billy getting up out of the wheelchair when no one was watching. Well, except the viewers at home of course.

I thought  the separation - and constant homophobic remarks - might have been relevant.

The episode's biggest shock was Lucero failing to admit to Cooper that he was also gay prior to being killed.

The Americans finally delivers an episode as good as many critics claims it was always delivering.

I didn't say I spoke for everybody!