
How do we feel knowing that we've invested 22 episodes into JTV to more than likely find out that the finale twist is that Rafael isn't the baby's father? If true I'm moving on as I can't believe how much these writers have piled on this character.

The writer's have given Rafael more issues than almost the rest of the characters combined! One or two of them would have me rolled up in the fetal position. Also I have seen no one comment on any site about the baby shower and Rafael's response to the question about how he wants the baby to have everything like Jane.

I just wonder when Jane will learn about Michael and Nadine and recognize that Michael has put himself in Jane's path every chance he had and is sneaky about the things he does AND how the pool scene would not have been as exciting with Jane and him as it was with Rafael and Jane

Saw quotes from cast today about finale and what they said made me think that something possible is whether Rafael is the baby's father. I would hate hate that but cast said nothing is off the table and if you have watched all episodes you will be shocked where they go.

Watched break up scene again and came away with Jane getting what she deserved. From the beginning Rafael has had to prove himself. #teammichael why would you want him with Jane? Why would you want him with someone that loves someone else? As #teamrafael I'm conflicted because he deserves someone that cares about him

I love what Derby said. And I think it's the best chance they have in finding their way back to each other. I know there are many #teammichael fans but this baby needs his/her parents together if possible. Reality is what Jane said - she left Michael because she was falling in love with Rafael. I believe Michael has


You are projecting onto this relationship the hurt you've experienced in yours Michael is a weasel which will eventually come out

I also think J/R have something in common that binds them - they both have something to prove - Jane wants to prove she's not her mom and Rafael wants to prove he's not a disappointment to his dad. I actually think they are more similar than is presented. I also think Rafael is held to a higher standard than anyone

#teambaby Each adult has issues but if possible baby should be with parents so pulling for J/R Michael throws bro under bus Raf risked his livelihood for sister. M has sex w Nadine and even Gina said if Jane knew she would feel differently about Michael. Raf resists Petra. Michael asks Raf each time when he comes to