
Doctor Who ?  I didn't catch his name

An instant classic : you can't show it in theatre class, and yet you should.

What's the password ? 

I think the AV Club just became the Woodward and Bernstein of Brony Journalism

If you were to try to rope me into a series, this would be a damn good way to do it.

My votes :  
1. Homicide : Life on the Street 
2.  ER 
3.  X-Men (the cartoon) 
4.  Law and Order
5.  Northern Exposure

65. The Internet talking about Star Wars movies that won't be coming out for two years (Jan-Dec 2013)

65. The Internet talking about Star Wars movies that won't be coming out for two years (Jan-Dec 2013)

When three of the top five are CBS shows, the system is flawed.

When three of the top five are CBS shows, the system is flawed.