Firstname M. Lastname

I was going to say, it's the NY Post, give them a pat on the head for trying. But Stuff N Fluff's probably right.

"Can I do to you what my priest did to me?"

Don't forget Richard Feynman! He's dead too! Feel even worse!

What the?

I could've been joking. You know, joking? It's sort of like trolling, but with somewhat less desperation.

Beaucoup Dreck
will be the name of my band's next album. Thanks, Nathan!

It would be better for you if that film received a C+.

I, for one, was unsettled by the three somethings stained on humanity by such awful chuckles. I don't need to understand it to be unsettled by it.

Yeah…seeing as the Quays made Cabinet of Jan Svankmajer, it's not like they haven't heard of or don't respect him, so there must be some other reason they haven't collaborated. I was secretly hoping somebody would know it.

Jan Svankmajer
& the Brothers Quay.