James Franco Poety Slam

like a bitch  man not to be mysoginistic but i would go around with my latte and i'd try to do my thing like get in the zone but then it would start howling and shit and i was like "bitch dont kill my vibe" haha kendrick lamar and then my method yeah like my method was all gone. actually i might have hallucinated all

hey man i do what i do

beautiful and you can use that as a blurb or something

man i don't know "the man" or coroporation wanted this family friendly type business but spiders are pretty gnarly so they wouldn't let me do what I wanted unfortunately

idk i think nature is pretty how it is

sorry I was sleeping but that place is chill

good question

hey man shakespeare made up words i just thought the r wasn't necessary

hi i'm james franco, i'm going to take a nap or make art or something for a bit but after i'll answer your questions

grow up sandler, at least when i do sequels they're good
you got no respect for yourself
and i should know, i was in that oz movie

shakespeare made up his own words so i don't see why an r is so important

i understand man, i'm the mayor of Gaytown. That shit ain't right

not to wear this out
i see, i know how you feel
i read the comments
the administration? not so good, jonas
look at me, i wrote a poem
for the inauguration

first time posting on the AV Club
i see a lot of comments about me
here to tell you how it is