Ghost of Nilsson

"We burned this tight-arsed city to the ground in 1814. And I'm all for doing it again, starting with you, you frat fuck. You get sarcastic with me again and I will stuff so much cotton wool down your fucking throat it'll come out your arse like the tail on a Playboy bunny."

The Dickies' "Nights in White Satin" is great, if only for the quickly-withdrawn picture sleeve of the 45 that had them dressed in KKK robes.

I feel like I'm the only one who loved "Challengers". It took about 15 listens, but it's almost as good as "Twin Cinema" which is/was their high water mark. I'm so excited I can barely restrain myself. Can't you tell.

As much as I liked the idea of Air America (and still kind of do, actually), the execution was, uh, severely lacking. I remember after one of the '04 prez debates, the on-air personalities (whoever they were) were talking about some evasive bullshit pandering non-answer Kerry gave about abortion, about how "heartfelt"

Is it okay if I can't bring myself to care one way or the other about "Avatar", regardless of where it may or may not be playing, and regardless of format?

…but…but…Netflix doesn't have it! I queued "Winter Kills" last time it came up here (I don't remember why it did, but it motivated me) and it's been languishing in the "Saved" portion of my queue ever since.

Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop doing amphetamines!

Why did you have to drag Neko into this? Really now, that was uncalled for.

Here's a tip from Blanche you won't regret!
A stranger's just a friend you haven't met!

I think you and I have had this conversation before. Nobody else seems to care. Their loss, because "Wolf King" is great, great, great. Twisted shit too.

"Something Happened" may actually be better than "Catch-22", but I've read it more recently. "God Knows" sucks, for what it's worth. You should all read "Something Happened", though, and prepare for 560 pages of absolute fucking misery. It's great. There's something amazing about the commitment required to write that

Ha ha! I already own two of these! "Then We Came to the End" and "The Wrestler's Cruel Study". My pestering a few months ago when they threw it open for suggestions that we should read one of the many Dobyns novels sitting on my shelf, staring at me and taunting me, was not in vain!

And in case I didn't make it clear enough, I'm really impressed by the genius of this genius. Deuhrrrr.

Anyone who doesn't see the genius of Bob's version of "Must Be Santa" doesn't deserve to listen to the rest of his catalogue. Genius.

Yeah, but remember the scene where Freamon busted Bird over the head with the booze bottle in the paper bag? Tell me that shit didn't own.

Yeah, well, baseball players are pussies now. I own the Stump bio but haven't read it yet. I'm scarcely even a baseball fan, but stories like these have convinced me that Cobb is my kinda character.

The best baseball beat down is Ty Cobb going into the stands and beating the ever living fuck out of a cripple. Where's your sense of history?

@Rowan: Your list, as they tend to say around here, is "the tits". I'm impressed enough to bookmark and go through and make a game attempt to listen to everything on it. I'm so glad someone else appreciates "Breakin' Up" as much as I do.

I agree about Neko. The less country she gets the more impressed I am. I like "Furnace Room Lullaby" but these last two albums are light years ahead of the still-awesome soaring neo-noir of the earlier stuff.

Jameson's drunk straight from the bottle got me very close to falling into a bonfire. I take comfort in knowing that my increased blood alcohol level would've ensured I burned up really quickly. I know I laid down in a pile of brush, but that's only from second-hand witness accounts.