Ghost of Nilsson

@ Bucky: I have Cutter and Bone, but haven't gotten around to it yet. That was a Warren Zevon recommendation, actually.

Ooh, I've got a story for this thread….

Well, Shearer is the only cast member who ever called out the shit quality of the more recent episodes. I don't see him contributing, but he's not wrong…

Shake your body, turn it out if you can-can.

Life Begins at Conception, Man!

Jabbing myself in the eye every morning is so worth it for how hot I look now.

@Corey: Amen. People claim I was born with glasses and a beard, but I've also seen myself getting "younger" as time has gone on. I attribute it almost solely to alcohol.

I do love some Car Talk, but I listened to Wait Wait almost religiously for over a year, and man did it get old. There's only so much superior, smug, self-important snark from second-rate comedians that I can handle before I start throwing up in my mouth a little. I enjoy Roy Blount Jr's fumfering but so many of the

Remember when House actually took on cases? You know, cases he was interested in? That was good. Because right now it feels like Hugh Laurie is slumming it in a show he's better than. This episode - and the bulk of this season - has been directionless and dull.

Holy crap - Godine, TVZ, Phil Ochs, William Gaddis - all in the same thread. I think I just had a massive, gushing, tsunami-like orgasm.

Even Neko Case's ringing endorsement won't get me to read Watership Down. Just can't manage it.

I got the impression from what he said that Cuomo is a guy who also enjoys smelling his own shit. It doesn't surprise me that he hates his fans, but his reference to how much fun he had combing through his musical detritus convinced me that he was a complete asshole. Apart from the mustache, that is. That made it

@danrimage: that was a terrible, awful, unfunny episode. Creepy Oedipal psychosis is not funny. Especially not on whatever-th season Simpsons.

I guess it's not just me
that thinks this season is a schizophrenic mess thus far? This episode is symptomatic of what's wrong with the show this season - disengaged House, forced and poorly characterized new team, inability to decide between new team and old team. It seems like Hugh Laurie's got this constant