
Glad to see someone started this thread. I think there are a smattering of episodes, mainly from season 5, that are candidates. The one mentioned below, 'The Supremes' is a terrible one, and the one that set the stage, 'Separation of Powers,' is in my opinion even worse. But the one that I think stands out for me as

Game 6?
Didn't know where else to ask and didn't want to reduce it to 140 characters for twitter, so I'll ask here—have you ever considered doing an entry for Game 6? Could potentially have a lot going for it—at least the intrigue factor could be high: Don DeLillo wrote a movie, and nobody came! And, for the most

Romantic Comedy cliches we missed
Apologies up front if any of the 874 before me have covered this ground already. Three romantic-comedy cliches quickly come to mind, all of which I would love to see excised permanently from the medium.