cornetto di basso

I was always a fan of SimplyScripts (http://www.simplyscripts.com/) myself - hundreds of scripts for movies, plus some solid TV episodes. It's been around for at least 15 years, so they've had a lot of time to collect.

Axis of Awesome (the guys who did the legitimately decent "Four Chord Song") did something like this a few years ago with "How to Write a Love Song" (https://www.youtube.com/wat…. It seems like the genre keeps cannibalizing itself.

I agree with APlagueOfArrows. 'Ruby Sparks' felt like a typical Whedon film - many tonal twists, high-concept genre bending, lots of zinger-filled conversations, and a female lead (also played by Kazan, who wrote that one) who transcends the gender stereotypes presented in most Hollywood films today.