
While it was awesome to see a lot of this stuff, and HBO must have spent more on this episode than any other - a whole undead army and dragons! I just get a bad feeling about the future of the show from this episode. There are just too many stupid things all at one time: Okay so the plan is stupid I can live this

Let's put the politics aside for a moment and just marvel at the fact that Tina Fey ate a shit ton of that cake! I mean this wasn't a cookie monster, grind it up and make crumbs on the floor thing - she ate like 1/4 of a sheet cake while reading lines, that takes talent. Also being an on-air woman that's probably

Someone finally figured out that Sam Waterston always seems a little drunk and then wrote him as a functional alcoholic- brilliant really.

dateline 2012: Scout Brownstein, formerly of Portland Oregon was sentenced to life in prison for poisoning twelve separate customers at his coffee shop. "I just couldn't take it anymore, I told myself the next customer to tell me their name was 'Primrose Everdeen' was going to die, how did I know it would be nine

I've never heard Emo Philips "real" voice but I assume he must have one, listening to that cadence outside of his comedy routine would have resulted in a barista murdering him by now otherwise.

Mayor Carcetti in the North? Sheeeeeetttttt!

We have evidence of this, Tony Bennett still has a very listenable voice - but he ain't what he was in the 1790's.

I'm sure Paul Giamatti was all over his agent after seeing American Hustle.

My kids are now I would assume, quite a bit older than the authors - and let me tell you a little secret, they start to experiment and order more exotic fare once they get older. Furthermore, the place to introduce those foods is at home, not at a restaurant so if they refuse the eat them you can get them something

He'll Warg into claymation Bob The Builder and be stepped on by the Night's King.

Yes, this.

When does she lose all her money to a con man?

I'm assuming - and hoping- that they are playing his parents in flashbacks to when he was a child and so the ages will be correct. It's easier to take a 55 year old actress and have her play a 55 year old when the kid is young and then age her up with grey hair when he's grown than it is to take a 65 year old actress

At least Luke Cage looked good. Iron Fist looked like it had a $50 set budget - the path to Kun Lun looked like a planet they would have landed on in Star Trek. Not even TNG - the original.

"I don't have opinions anymore. All I know is that no ones better than anyone else & everyone is the best at everything."
-Seymour Skinner

To sum up, "Wonder Woman isn't feminist and awesome, my show is feminist and awesome so watch my show - on TV Land where prestige TV comes to die."

Poison Ivy, Poison Ivy II, Poison Ivy: the New Seduction…

We can all argue over the best show, and certainly castigate this list for leaving thing out - but we're all in agreement that "The Iron Fist" was the worst show of the year so far, right?

All the prestige shows have ended and GOT doesn't start for three more weeks - so just don't sleep and you can catch up on at least five shows…..

Nurse Jackie, Masters of Sex, Glow, & American Gods all in the last 18 months