Pinkney Seabrook

I'm like all "What?"

You mean Ernest Hollings actually watched an episode?  I thought he was just confused!


The only problem with The Fog is the ending, or SPOILERS the lack thereof.  I prefer Dead & Buried as a whole.  There's a neat and odd little movie that doesn't get mentioned much.

You're trolling.  Land of the Dead is fun, but he's just repeating xeroxes of his own formula.  Night of the Living Dead is where it's at.

Drag Me To Hell wasn't a documentary. But it was funnier than Schindler's List.

You have a bug up your ass about this.  Quit your job and sit on a mountain top till you find out why.

That would go without saying, but you said it.

And wasn't she from BALT-e-more?

Hem is thinking of "The Jagged Edge" starring Glenn Close and Jeff Bridges.

*transmutes matter into time and time into matter through the power of love*

Yes, and the Black and White Minstrel Show lasted until 1978!  It was  on the BBC at the same time as this serial was shown.  The yellowface is less surprising in this context, but just as offensive.  The UK had a long way to go.

This was the era that I got into the show and Leela was a big part of that. She was unconventional yet consistent.  One of my favorite bits is her interaction with the sympathetic locals in stories like this one and Robots of Death.  The costume and aggressive problem-solving didn't hurt either.

I certainly hope so.

Yes, your choices are dire.  Did you wind up in a Lizard's Thicket?

Maggie Q drinking beer and eating pizza might be good for about 10 minutes.

Yes, but with cocaine on mirrors.

Google Maps says there are at least 10 in Columbia.  Not surprised one bit.

Who's weenie is it?

That is a very impressive trailer with every crazy stunt known to man.  Except for the burning man, but maybe I blinked.