Pinkney Seabrook

KABOOM! the Evil Clown.

No no no.  Just write, "I'd never gotten up the courage to tell my wife my boss was black." Something like that.

I call bullshit.  Either that or you've never been south of Rutgers. The things are on every highway down here: 

But Erik Adams explained that this was earned.

…I needed to ask my boss over for dinner to earn the big promotion.

It's a Jailbait thread crossover.

Sez you.

That ain't what I hoid.

He's also a 1 to Charles Durning, and a 2 to Raymond St. Jacques, Eddie Albert, Don Knotts and Neil Young, which figure.

Yep.  Epic interview.  

I just watched the trailer and boy is he a crazy-man in that film.

One of the best interviews ever given for this site.

Some body should quote some Heraclitus to him "You cannot step twice into the same stream. For as you are stepping in, other waters are ever flowing on to you." But he would probably say that it's only a fragment from Plato and what does Heraclitus know anyway?  So, you'd be no better off for all your pre-Socratic

He was hafing a larf with the spear. 

Your wife talks in her sleep?

I liked the older version better, but lots of people hate it, including people who like the new show.

The camera adds ten pounds and that should scare you.

The Facts Of Life!  When they kicked the li'l liberal played by Molly Ringwald off the show the whole thing went down hill. 

I thought it was a Dark Brothers film.

Down South we say