
I've got a spare Milhouse minifig kicking around, Sam. I'll happily give it to you just to bring a small amount of joy to the AVClub offices.

I always took it as a conscious choice. Chopped is one of very few cooking shows that doesn't use the default Kitchenaid sponsorship that seems to be prevalent in every single cooking competition on TV today.

I don't know that the widely held belief that cars didn't take damage at the behest of the manufacturers is actually true. Damage in racing game has been commonplace for years, it seems it was more just the amount of work that went into developing the physics and graphics that was holding it back. After all, how many

Cutthroat Kitchen is pretty much just "spend your prize money to win". I don't think I've ever seen an episode where the person who spent the most didn't come out the winner.

I'm definitely going to have to rewatch the whole series from the beginning once it's done. As it is, I can't keep track of the names of people and have trouble telling people apart. I really love the show so far, but it moves at such a brisk pace that I can barely keep track of what's going on with the many

I believe the lingering shots of the mammoth carcass were to illustrate that it was thawing out. In the pilot, the doctor had mentioned that Liam's father might have brought polio back with him from his tour in Afghanistan, but I'm thinking the issue will be a virus coming from the carcass that causes the island to be

I'd have figured it'd be a disgruntled employee's last "fuck you" to the company. Seems like something you could sneak in during your last two weeks and the customer wouldn't receive it in the mail until after you've gone.

I see Twitter as being like a megaphone, it's useful to get an important message out to a lot of people, but give it to assholes and you get exactly what's to be expected.

Anyone else see Boyd wearing his undershirt and think, "damn, Walton Goggins would make a pretty sweet Wolverine."?

Get it the hell outta here!

Imagine what y'all could do if you put that power to use for good… or rather, better!

The Empire was putting up Death Stars like they were Walmarts.

Giving him his cape now robs the writers of doing a "Lando's cape" origin story in the future.