
Not really though. She was mad because Mon-El tried to save her and do things his way when she's clearly better at all things superhero related and holds him to a higher standard than Mxy. And she literally said she didn't mean any of that and was just trying to push him away so he wouldn't try to ruin her plan.

This should have been a slam dunk, but might actually be my least favorite episode of the series so far. I didn't mind most of the Mon-El stuff and the will they/won't they storyline, but what the fuck was this? He's jealous and condescending and an all around dick to Kara because some guy shows up and gives her

Pleased to meet you

Good God man, it's Craig, not Greg. You'd think someone getting paid to watch TV would take the time to Google the character's names.

We never saw how the elves reacted to Santa, or had any indication that they thought it was just Liz who was in the wrong. The public hating her (Liz getting mean looks in the street) was just seen through her eyes and could just have easily been meant for Santa. All of the magazines at the news stand were about

When was Liz slut shamed time and again this episode? Her co-worker jokingly called her "slut" but still encouraged her to go out and meet Santa at the hotel. The shot of her walking out in the open with Santa and people giving her mean looks? That's because she's the one that broke up a couple of everyone's

The accordion version of Informer was a thing of gold.

Why was this review written like it was the pilot of the series, complete with what actor plays what character and what each character's main attribute is?

Spencer and Jason are negotiating Vernon's contract with the Cowboys, not the Dolphins.

Holy shit the expositional dialogue here was so bad it would make Christopher Nolan blush. My favorites:

Probably the weakest episode of the series so far.