try the veal its the best in t

nobody likes yeasayer

there's something wrong with me

it's not awful but it is clunky and strident compared to the rest of the album

that's a trick category, every bikini kill album is essential

try celestite by wolves in the throne room

everything after burnt weeny sandwich was terrible anyway

*the post-pyromania effect tbh

w/e i like airportman and even radio song

i said there's misogyny on the av club, are you disagreeing with that premise or are you just mad someone pointed it out

oh good lord

are you another one who gets mad whenever sexism comes up as a topic

the owls are still not what they seem

i think we can assume this rules out a return for nadine hurley

i hear the actor for gordon is available

"Didn't answer my questions, still refuse to take responsibility for your actions, got it. Exactly what I expected."

you still haven't explained the total failure of your original argument, which was that i was "stereotyping all av club members" (the horror), despite the fact that i never said "all" or anything like it

"you don't respond to the substance of any of my words"

nah you're just someone who lets misogynistic comments pass without a blink but gets ultra-defensive when someone else calls it out

lol do i need to give you a class on rhetoric now

ohhhhh i see you're one of those sensitive types