try the veal its the best in t

no you are


lmao i would say this comment has to be a parody but alas

you mean the part where he didn't answer my point and just started spouting gibberish

it's great how an article protesting sexism leads to jokes about corrective rape

lol except your original reply was all ~zomg hdu accuse me of sexism don't you know we're above all that here at the av club

oh wait ok i got you mixed up with the dude who was saying she was "too aggressive to men" or w/e

trust me dude i understand exactly what you're saying

i mean i just don't care because saying you don't find this funny is like saying you don't find richard pryor's bicentennial bit funny; if that's all you take out of it then that says more about you than the piece

a brony would make this comment

please go away


no you acted like you were defending them but then you detoured into your own little cry session


lmao i like that you think nonsensical flailing is gonna disguise how hard your argument flopped

pretty hard not to considering how much you embarrassed yourself last time

and you made it all about you and your poor wounded feelings which effectively undermined any token empathy you might have expressed

lmao as if he's not just another in a long parade of men shaking their fingers and telling her she's terrible for being mean to men

lol this farce of a comment

you're the one who acts like there's no misogyny on this site when a 1000-comment volcano erupts over one woman making fun of men