try the veal its the best in t

usually it's because they want to argue in favor of something unpopular without looking like they're actually in favor of it

my problem is why do we have to imply that it's them or us

elvis didn't write hound dog tho

you are aware there is no such thing as a woman who doesn't fart right

that would actually be hilarious

is this comment performance art

buddy you better have a greek god build and rock hard abs because

so basically the same as most male comedians

it's almost like there's more to the movie than what was in the clip

the most important work elijah wood has ever done

it's really racist

i just googled harry crumb

this is right

who is zweibel

not to mention the whole point of wrath of khan is that kirk actually wasn't as cool as he thought and fucked up a lot when he was younger and now shit is coming back to bite him in the ass, and he has to deal with being older on top of that

i can't tell if this is sarcastic or not

what is this cohesive vision bullshit, if you have two hours of great music who cares if it doesn't have some overriding concept

i thought we were talking about robert downey jr for a minute but i'm okay now

you have a sad little life don't you

one would think he'd have an honorary degree in mixology by now