Taste the Beast

Annie popping up out of the garbage can reminded me of "Dead Presidents."

I wouldn't say "scam." I don't quite get the people who collect every bootleg (and the band does encourage this, as they have boxed sets available for entire tours, if you want), but they've gone from the "72 full concerts released to stores" in 2000 down to mp3/FLAC downloads and burned-to-order CDs of the shows on

It reminds me of when people complained about the Chrysler product placement on "The Office," when the writers clearly had Michael driving a Sebring to say something about him (he thinks convertible=cool, even though the Sebring is a car for women and old folks) and his relationship (he buys the ridiculous PT Cruiser

Right down the road from you, Jason, and I can top you: Papa John's Cardinal Stadium. So classy.

Suiting up
I loved the bit with Barney sneaking a suit-up in the bathroom, done up (complete with music) like the fetishized heroin-shooting scene from "Pulp Fiction." Nice touch.

I found it schizophrenic, but liked it overall. Semi-spoilers (nothing that wasn't revealed in the original marketing, but if you're going in totally blind, consider yourself warned) ahead:

If you ever run across the taped version of his stage show "Ricky Jay & His 52 Assistants" that was run on HBO, watch it. It was written with Mamet, and contains some excellent storytelling and great illusions, plus some serious card-throwing.

In the pilot, they were intercepting 911 calls. So I think the creepiness of them jacking into our communications has been established.

I think the original question meant, "On the night of the warehouse meeting, when he called in the raid, why wouldn't he explain that his FBI partner was in there?" If he had, the Vs would already know that Erica was a threat (because, seeing lizard-skin or not, she'd have been exposed to the accusations about the

They did that in "Eurotrip."

The guy who played Simmons was the young, school-aged Austin Powers in "Goldmember," and he played uber-nerd Friedman on "Joan of Arcadia."

"You said you would leave if I started drinking again. Well, that makes you a liar, because I'm drunk as hell, and you're still here!"

The beginning of that was something like, "My greatest wish is that, on my deathbed, I could be visited by my ex-wives so I could curse them, and they could know that I went to my death with hatred in my eyes" or something.

Last week, he mentioned his grandfather's pantsless wandering as a no-no in the Gaza Strip, so I assume Arabic is likely.

I think this show would have benefited from a two-hour premiere movie. You got the feeling that they knew they had to reveal some lizard skin in the first night to make the network happy, and with only an hour (heck, 44 minutes) to do it, they had to rush through a lot of stuff to get there.

It probably applies because CBS doesn't want to broadcast sex sounds at 8 pm. They needed a substitute noise, so the bagpipes were chosen and the euphemism was made to fit.

I'm sure Wendy leaving Tom is soon to be a big deal. Her enthusiasm for the "divorce party" coupled with his sad boo-boo face is just step one.

I don't know, but the version in the shootout WAS the Rolling Stones, from their mid-nineties cover of the song.

"You want me to suck his dick?"
"I said, 'Who the FUCK is Dick?'"

The woman actually dumps George because, as he says, "Apparently, Baldy likes a slimmer guy!" It's Kramer who continues to insist that losing the hairpiece was bad news for George.