Strange Century

Yeah! Fuck those assholes and their good taste!

The Smithsonian Collection of Newspaper Comics

I've only recently read the first volume of Pluto but I was super impressed. The section about the butler robot alone was worth the price of admission. Gotta get me some more o' that.

Yeah, a lot of Moebius fans bitch about the coloring done to those books and while I can certainly understand that line of thinking I wouldn't trade my colorized copy of The Airtight Garage for the world. Gorgeous is a gross understatement.

I hear a lot of people complain about that but for some reason reading right to left has never bothered me a bit. I think I looked up the sound effect translations for the first chapter or two then stopped when I realized they weren't essential to understanding the story. As annoying as it can be to flip back and

In case anyone's interested, Amazon is still selling the 1000 page Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind manga box set for around 40 bucks. This is a ridiculously good deal and something every Miyazaki fan should own. Just really beautiful stuff. The film of the same name only tells about a quarter of the story.

Anybody ever read Time2, the kinda sorta spinoff Chaykin did after American Flagg? I almost never hear anyone talk about that series and there's not very much of it (two fifty page graphic albums) but IMHO it's some of the best work Chaykins ever done. Super cool sci-fi jazz noir. Just great stuff.

The Time and the Batman trade is nice if you want to read Morrison's Batman run but don't want to read Final Crisis. In that case you would read it after RIP.

Don't forget Doom Patrol and the Flex Mentallo mini-series. I give those a slight edge over Animal Man. Amazing stuff.

Yes. Yes I do.

You say "French comics that you can find in Heavy Metal magazine" like it's a bad thing. As much as I enjoy Saga and Manhattan Projects, Prophet is just operating on a whole different level.

It's out now. I picked up at my LCS last week.

There is a colorized hardcover omnibus which contains the entire series coming out in Sept.

Yeah, I called my LCS and added Satellite Sam to my pull list immediately after I finished reading it. Just really great, dense stuff. It may even be enough to make me stop complaining about not getting any new Cassanova in almost two years.

The X-Factor issues actually come before the X-Statix ones. And yes they are awesome. That's coming from someone who finds it very difficult to enjoy mainstream superhero books these days.

BTW, Pitchfork has the full track list posted. The song titles certainly sound like classic GBV.

I dunno. The little black dress w/ tennis shoes sorta does it for me.