
Carol was epic tonight!
"Do I do the face?"

Paradise Hotel was the BEST! thanks for bringing back memories of all the low rent reality programming that Fox gave us!

The scene that really hit me is when Olivia thought she might have the "disease" and she handed the gun to Peter.  She is always the strong (stubborn) one who doesn't let her guard down.  it was a frailty of her character…maybe it was foreshadowing of her recovering all the alternate facets from Peter's world?

Also, Dewey Freakin' Crow! SO GREAT!

This violence this season has been absolutely visceral! Blow away by everything that is being offered even though they are still just moving pieces in to place.

"Far less douche" is quite the dubious distinction.


The opening scene with Art & Nicholls was a nice piece of foreshadowing…The writing is so damn good on this show.

Fletcher Nix was too strong of a character to sit around in jail…I think they will get him out soon to cause more mischief.

I was really thrilled with this return after the extended (?) break.  Peter having a renewed sense of purpose brought the show back into action.  I know this will probably be the last season (sadly) but I believe the writers will really give it everything for the fans.  It would be really hard to jump into the

I enjoyed it…I had missed the great musical stylings of Giacchino as well as the directing of Jack Bender.

Yes, and in that they have let Caveziel show some emotion along with Emerson. The ancillary characters are starting to develop a personality that binds them with the central characters.

Dana sucks.

This photo from 1993 provides a solid answer:

Wouldn't a secret agent have had extensive firearms training (already)?  Would a secret agent be given completely vague orders as in delivering a "package"?

RIP Patrice.

Noel, thanks for the first stray observation.  My feelings about the show are similar to yours, the other reviews have been trying to crush my interest in Amber land but your points have given me salvation.

Didn't they (Bravo) create the Just Deserts show so we could dispense with this nonsense.  Contestants getting sent home for a poor desert is a joke and the producers should do better.

One thing is bothering me: How does Gemma got to the bathroom?

Olivia only e-mailed the 1 picture that will easily be explained by Bridget.