
So you close AV Club Austin and open up Ft. Collins? Does CSU even have an RTF program? Related: Am I missing something here?

Scott: Can we just go with Dudes with an S…I don't see how the Z applies unless the were rappers or teenagers?

Unregistered users have feelings
I, as a registered commenter, would like to express my displeasure with these changes. I love the unpredictability that comes with the unregistered users. If there is a troll, you just scroll by and continue in the discussion. Most of the users of this site are wise enough to not

I'm Holding out
for the "Winds of Change Riesling" form the Scorpions line of wines.

it wasn't the same…
…without Jefferey Osborne.

Thank You for a respectful obit.

These dates are horrible!

Her face when Frank shares about his affair is priceless!

You should date Chris Brown, he likes shoes and other things…like punching women in the face.

Thank You movie overlords!

What's in the bag?
Booze, Condoms?

Good start!
I enjoyed this week's episode…I also like that they have brought back some ambiguity to Neal's character (once a thief, always a thief).

I figured it was called Phoebe Cates because she got topless?

The show will fail without Rogan as he mocked the contestants and could kick anyone of their asses.

I must see this Chiller!

At least…
…I will get to see the first part before the world ends.


I have been watching the show because it doesn't play idiotic audtions and Nakia is a local singer (Austin, TX) that I have seen and I think he is strong contender.

The monument behind her
It is the Dam Monument in Dam Square to commemorate the fallen in World War II.