
I can no longer take him seriously now that he is schlepping chicken burgers for Wendy's.

Charlie is so adorable.

I had a slight feeling that Peter's disappearance could be tied to the the hologram that Walternate was using?

I believe The Event is the aliens bringing their whole race here to live.

It stood on it's own
As a completely guilty pleasure with the silly flashbacks. After the "retooling" and elimination of said flashbacks, it became boring because the story was meted out as exposition…now they are just spinning their wheels until the finale.

What a poor excuse for a man
Kent & Vyxsin should have been gone many episodes back. Missing their designated flight should have incurred more than a minor penalty. This really bothered me and feel that is was a producer's decision because their relationship is all drama.

Sean, I would say Bodycount was kind of Gangsta too in 92?

A Couple of thoughts
Based on some lingering statements in the review, I thought the mailbox looked like the house that Stan had just bought ?

I always knew
that Helen Hunt carried that show.

I don't like the sound of this…

and a more coherent plot.

I couldn't get through the entire episode.

I am good with it
I like this show even though I was prepared to not like it. I watched because of Maggie Q as she can act and kick ass. It has had some clunker episodes and some of the actors have serious limitations but it has improved. It is fun to watch over a beer and is worth space on my DVR.

C'mon CBS
This is the one show that takes risk and involves some interesting twists…please renew.

Great idea…singing to people with their backs turned.

The German muffin looked like some kind of scone.

I wonder if he knows?

@stachouv It's called acting.

I was hoping that Travolta would be the evil treasure hunter in National Treasure 3.

Hoping this might be a trend?