I watched Elephant without knowing what it was about…. Holy Shit. Everyone should experience the movie that way.
I watched Elephant without knowing what it was about…. Holy Shit. Everyone should experience the movie that way.
Finally, a place where I can voice my hatred of Boondock Saints without being singled out……….I'm not alone anymore…….
I was gonna' say All the Kings Men. In the class that I read that for, everyone hated the book because "Jack was a dick." BUT THAT'S WHY HE'S GREAT, IT'S A DEFENSE MECHANISM.
You're right. Scott Pilgrim is perfect.
lol at Chastain, Jessica.
YES. For some reason I always meet people that are like "I get shit for liking Fleetwood Mac." But I think it's more that they're embarrassed for some reason because no one has given me shit for liking Fleetwood Mac.
I can't decide if the ending was perfect or….less than….
@avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus I think "perfect" is more of an opinion in this case. No one will think of something that everyone likes. I think what they're asking is what's beyond criticism to you.
I wish Phillip Seymour Hoffman was bigger, because he'd be perfect.
The absolute best.
For all of the random passages like the Gandalf quote you used I just didn't bother looking it up. I mean, you know what he's saying anyways, "I'm pretty powerful, you're super evil and YOU SHALL NOT PASS."
I loved the books, I'd say they'd fall into that "too pure to criticize" category for me, but I don't think I'll ever be able to get through them again. Not because of the simplicity but because they're exhausting.
Part 3 is the best though….right guys?
As far as anime, I'd have to go the obvious route and throw Bebop. A more debatable answer of mine would be FMA: Brotherhood. They cut out the filler from the original series and take their time building to an emotional resolution.
The Crossing is my favorite Border novel.
Oh good…that's the one I'm about to start.
A Dance With Dragons followed by Cormac McCarthy's Orchard Keeper. IT'S THE LAST CORMAC NOVEL I HAVE LEFT TO READ…..I'll probably just reread Blood Meridian afterwards.
Yeah, dude. I loved the back half of season 1's Luke. Goofy as hell.