
I like to look at it as the Bible of Middle-Earth. There's a lot of great stories that don't really add up to much or have much of an effect on those of us living here, in the Third Age.

I thought the book was an insane amount of fun. And because I wasted my education at an art school, I knew someone that got the original script and had the pleasure of reading it BEFORE it was sold to Warner Bros. It was just like the book except it made more sense. I was so excited for this movie until I found out



Dr. Dog's Broken Heart

The point of Spider-Man is this: No matter how good your intentions, or
how much power you have, or how hard you try to do what's right you
will still end up snapping your girlfriend's neck.

i miss notifications

That's just the best.

I think Dowd has a problem with movies.

It's not a message about trusting the government…. It's a message about trusting the paranoid vigilante with millions of dollars and years of martial arts training.

Mao from Darker than Black!

Fuck that, the movies are a ton of fun. And you're saying only idiots like these movies? I guess I'm a fucking idiot then. And I'm having a shitload of fun being one.

I read it as Nega-Scott being Scott's egomaniacal dick…………..side

Scott Pilgrim's the fucking best.

Sure,  Pacific Rim was saved from critical ire by Del Toro's name……and for the fact that it didn't suck….unlike Transformers.

@LurkyMcLurkerson *Ahem*…..uhhhh yeah. No duh, stupid. *Quickly changes subject*

I can't, for the life of me, figure out what AoS is.

I broke my foot last December and I couldn't put weight on it until mid April…. I hope it's not that bad.

Randy's or Duquan's?
