
I was introduced to P.O.S when I saw him open up for Cursive.  It was a little surreal but it would've taken me until about now to hear about him otherwise.
I know…cool story, bro.



Neutral Milk Hotel's In an Aeroplane Over the Sea.

Am i the only one that likes those books???

That shit was goofy as hell. I haven't read anything after Wolves yet so I don't know if it was good goofy or what.

@avclub-022199896b1f52952c180b60caa681bd:disqus you're making me feel old.

Yeah, I'm still working up the courage to introduce people to Evangelion.  Both endings of the show are a little…………..

For all my friends (and girlfriend) that had never given anime a chance, I start their education with Bebop.  It's like the perfect stepping stone into all of the weird shit that isn't funny at first like sudden outbursts and exaggerated faces.  Then Samurai Champloo, then Brotherhood, then Baccano.  Always in that

Does the action ever get better?  I watched a few arcs and the only thing that I really liked about the show was how silly Luffy was.  But I don't think I can take much more endless villain monologuing.

But Brotherhood is so much betterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I gave up on One Piece, too.  Right at the end of that swordfish/shark/man arc… That's a decent enough ending for me.

Will Harris… try some Bebop, man.  Just a glimpse, you won't regret it.  How about this, your first time's free. Yeah, keep those eyes open.

I love that Cormac McFirstie only has three posts spread out over four years. It makes him more Cormacy.

I guess I have a ways to go then..

Star Wars is like my abusive husband.  It doesn't matter how much the franchise builds up my expectations and then tosses them down a flight of stairs, I can't seem to stop worshipping it.  At this point, I don't even know if I still like the original trilogy.  Of course, I can't admit that outside of a mostly

The only thing I like about Bedlam is Goliath.  I think Amputechture is a better album from start to finish, but without a song that is as cool as Goliath.

Lars Von Trier?

Lars Von Trier?

I refuse to believe Shawn Hunter is a dick.