Tim Isola

Another great episode, dont agree with your grade.  I thought the Boyd/Billy scene was incredible, again. And i really hope Boyd is on to Johnny. And really what reason does Wynn Duffy have to want to kill Boyd? Just for the sake of doing it? If Boyd aint onto Johnny on his own, which i hope he is by now, wouldnt be

They were working under extremely contricted circumstances and were obviously forced to condence certain elements of the story while still trying to give us the best ending possible. And while some of the complaints ppl had about this season and finale are true, i measure great episodes, fiales in particular on

Do we know if Dickie Bennett is dead or not? It looked like he got shot in the leg and that was left up in the air. I know hes pretty weak and pathetic on his own with no crew or muscle backing him up, but i love Jeremy Daives and the way he plays the character…

Glad to see the 3rd best show on TV getting its full recognition and due ( 1 and 2 are obvious). This is a show clicking on all cylinders, and on a show full of fascinating characters ( the number 1 most important factor to making a show great), they continue to add more, season after season. The first half of season



And Todd im serious about you being one of my favorite most well respected critics, enjoy reading everything you write, which is why im a tad bit surprised youre so high on this show. I know youre a big Deadwood guy, i believe you were part of that 3 way discussion with Alan and someone else talking about the 3

And Todd im serious about you being one of my favorite most well respected critics, enjoy reading everything you write, which is why im a tad bit surprised youre so high on this show. I know youre a big Deadwood guy, i believe you were part of that 3 way discussion with Alan and someone else talking about the 3

Thanks seaants lol, i dont see what the big deal is, they do and say raunchier shit on the actual show than anything i said in my post. And im a young guy who happens to find 2 girls on this show very attractive, aint nuthin wrong wit that lol….everyone needs to chill out

But Todd, if you want to delete a comment thats somewhat risque and graphic about a show that is very much both of those things, go right ahead, thats youre prerogative and i wont respect you any less. I just thought this was an open forum. But i tend to be a little over the top with shows i dont really respect, and

girls rule

grr arrr is mean


Dont worry i'll try to stay off the "Girls" threads from now on, dont wanna ruin ur experience of a show you love so much ,that i just cant take seriously, i just cant help myself.

i'll do it for you, lets just say i wasnt myself when i posted it

Do we know for a fact if Dickie Bennett is dead or not? It looked like he got shot in the leg and it was never made clear either way. But hes a weak pathetic cripple with no muscle or crew of his own or he's in prison, so hes pretty much a non factor either way, i just love Jeremey Daives and the way he plays this

Eh, i still feel kinda guilty lol as i am still a huge SOA fan, been with it since the beginning but Kurt just talks wayy to much. His comments after he fucked up the ending of season 4 really pissed me off. I thought season 5 was improved and wish he'd just keep his mouth shut and worry about making Sons the great

I agree with what you say about this site. Although i wouldnt call Banshee awesome just yet, it def kept me engaged , has potential and i will keep watching.

The most obvious case of this to me is the reviewer of Breaking Bad. Clearly the show is over HER head, does not get it. A MAN should be reviewing that show, and not an effeminate one either

I think Boyd just sent her there as a spy and thats why she was there in this episode, but i do think shes going to get drawn into it. Thats another great thing about this show is they take characters who were relatively in the background for a few seasons and give them significant roles, another sign of a show