
Weak Hating.

Outsmurfed again.
I suck at internet.

That's none other than Steve Grimmett, former lead singer of GRIM REAPER.

VH1 as adjective
While I generally despise the lazy, VH1, "Don't Hassel the Hoff" school of ironic celebrity worship, Goulet clinging to the ceiling was a delight. As was the Asian delivery-boy's use of bags of food like nunchukus in the… CareerBuilder commercial? Wow! I remembered the product! Their commercial

It'll be a big deal when it's not such a fucking big deal.
"Hey, good job, Black People. Congratulations on passing the momentous milestone of having two coaches in the Super Bowl. Here are some condescending commercials and pats on the head from rich white commentators who *totally* give a shit about Black History

Cal, Madstone ruled. Definitely provided the experience one would hope for when watching art-house fare, classy presentation, usually classy audience. Shame they went out of business, but considering they showed almost exclusively movies that less than 1% of the population had even heard of, let alone had

Saturday Night Live
I missed the SNL with Ludacris. Sounds hilarious, though.

Jennifer Aniston looks way hotter that way.

This just in from Lex Repperton:
'Manhunter' and 'Silence' aren't really comparable. They're not even in the same genre, yet fans seem to think it's "Halloween II" versus "Halloween." It's hardly a series at all, but four (now five) different movies with almost nothing in common stylistically. The closest it

"Public school bitch" = AWESOME

Yeah, I'm a huge Brian Cox fan, but the way everybody seems to rate his five-minute Lecter as somehow superior to Hopkins kind of annoys. If 'Silence of the Lambs' had never been made, who'd be talking about Brian Cox "chilling" portrayal of Hannibal Lecter in 2007? It was a small part in a mediocre

"Visitor Q is from Japan"
Thanks, nerd. Not to nitpick, but if you read my post again, you'll see I mentioned that particular movie in reference to Asiaphiles, not necessarily classifying it as a Hong Kong flick, but instead lumping it in with a bunch of other shit that I couldn't possibly give less of a fuck about.

I second "And For the love of God" above.
Don't go dissing 'Bad Girl' or 'Domino'.

Let's just hope the prosecutor and all those cops there in Boston stay away from Las Vegas.

Chris1, wait till DVD for 'The Good Shepherd'.
What, are you guys nine years old? Piss before the movie, for crying out loud.

Two cents abouts seven nights.
I prefer the cinematic experience because I like being a "captive audience." For example, while I enjoyed 'The Good Shepherd' a great deal in the theater, I have no doubt that it would've taken me a week to get through it at home on DVD.

Oh, and I bet that hack reporter felt like he came up with a real zinger when he asked if he was afraid he'd have to cut his hair in prison.

Free Rob Zombie.
"That's not a hair question. I'm sorry. That's also not a hair question."

Viewer discretion
I couldn't resist watching something you warned us not to once before. I won't make that mistake again.

Hoax devices
I see the gentleman was charged with placing "hoax devices." I guess those things were only pretend Lite-Brites.