
Jon Voight as Howard Cossell in 'Ali'.

Golly gosh whillikers
Yeah, I'm sure reading more than a paragraph is quite an undertaking for you, Silvio. Not sure if those were compliments or insults… if the former, thanks; if the latter, let's try to keep things positive here. :D

Infernal Affairs
"Straw-man." That's rich. This coming from a crew who continues to baselessly rip Mark Wahlberg for selling, like, a billion records 16 years ago, despite the fact that he made a seamless transition to matinee idol back in Clinton's first term and just received a richly deserved Oscar nomination

Support Andorran cinema!
Who's trolling? I've been contributing to this place since they opened the comments sections. And if I was trolling, it seems I got under your skin, no?

Ready when you are, Sergeant Pembry.
I'd like to make special mention of the genuinely shocking and horrifying scene where Hopkins as Lecter overcomes his exceptionally polite and considerate police captors. Any other movie, the cops would've been abusive assholes to somewhat lessen the impact of their slaughter (if

Infernal affairs
A masterpiece of HK cinema = I don't give a shit.

SnowWhiteTrash in a sea of knobjobs.
Actually, Whatever, to iterate, the point that I so eloquently made was that 'Domino', 'WOTG', and 'Crank' are all crackerjack genre gems, and that 'Boondock Saints' is a piece of shit. You turned around and implied that 'Boondock' is, in fact, of comparable quality, which is of

If it's a zombie movie, count me in.
"They already ruined a brilliant HK film series."

Christ, dude, you're holding up IMDB USER RATINGS as critical hay? I'm not trying to impress anybody by dogging 'Boondock'; hell, I'll be honest in admitting that my cinematic tastes run largely towards big guns and big tits. 'Boondock', however, is just a piece of shit, plain and simple, even before you

They both look like TV-movies. Don't believe the hype.

…Medical records?

Willem DaFoe in a dress! Get it?
Roy, your embarrassing admission of love for 'Boondock Saints' negates anything you could ever care to express.

Alright? You know? Alright?
What a better world it would be if Quentin Tarantino's name wasn't invoked every time a flashy crime flick was released.

The Mouse and the Mask/Islands of Gay Romance
As a huge MF Doom fan whose thoughts on Adult Swim range from "can't watch it" to "don't give a shit," I can assure you, when you're not in on the joke, funny voices ironically spouting rap cliches aren't particularly funny. By the sixth time I heard that bullshit at the

…not to mention Timothy Olyphant kinda RULES. Between his unique take on the Old West sheriff as stick-up-his-ass do-gooder with frightening repression/anger-management issues on 'Deadwood' and his patented scumbag schtick ('Go', 'A Man Apart', 'The Girl Next Door'), he's an entertainingly dangerous and

Smokin' Aces
Mountain Dew noir.

Dag. I'm scared to email Amelie.

Smokin' Aces
Saw it, dug it. And no, it's not Tarantino, and it's not Ritchie. It's the latest in the as yet unnamed genre of insane crime-fests characterized by the jarring shifts in tone, obscene bloodletting, breakneck pacing, bizarre characters, exceptional soundtrack, and stylized cinematography (see also:

Mom's spaghetti.
"Do not miss your chance to blow!"

See, I don't see any Tarantino influence in 'Gun' at all. Where was the pop culture dissection? The "hip" clothes? The colorful characters? The endless references to shitty movies? The kung fu? The plagiarism? The kitschy but iconic actor that everybody forgot about? The rather pedestrian foot fetish?