wacky sidekick

At least they tried justifying the Ellering in a cage thing by saying that Regal was threatened by legal action if he banned Ellering from ringside. Why a cage wouldn't invoke legal action is beyond me, but at least they addressed it.

The grilled cheese scene in Chef never fails to make me want to eat everything in my vicinity.

This feels more like a recap than a review.

Maybe it's a sign of a problem I feel they seem to be running into a lot lately where they try to make every storyline appeal to every type of fan. Playing up the prestige of the title to try and prove the worth of the angle to the older fans and the Looney-Tunes-esque antics to appeal to the young'uns and the two

Man, I'm pretty sick of the reviews bashing the Intercontinental storyline. Is it going to be remembered as one of the best angles of all time? No, of course not.

Is it physically possible to make a biopic without Paul Giamatti appearing in some capacity? Recent studies might shock you!

It's not really the talk show gods sparing you rather than NPH himself saying he's not interested in doing a typical late night show.

The Broadway nerd in me went nuts at the Adam Chanler-Berat cameo.

I totally forgot this show still airs.

Wheel! Of! Famine!