
I hit rewind like 3 times on that! Also love the pre-level 1 hype up when Rob and Kaitlin almost start laughing. This episode is classic Tammy!

Leland killing Maddy STILL freaks me out!! WOW! That was some disturbing stuff right there! I'm with Persia; can't believe it got past the censors!!!

I was 13 when this was on and it blew my tiny little mind! I adore this show for so many reasons beyond it was unlike anything else on tv! The writing, the score, the acting (minus the guy that played James sulking around constantly), the issues…I could go on. I revisited Twin Peaks last summer and it still holds up.

This is why I love the AV Club Boards!!! A fantastic subject that leads in to a wonderfully insightful discussion about the the medium of television vs. film and what constitutes art by obviously very intelligent people with names such as "Jizzlobber", "Dick Rockhard", and "Nakedfoul." Love this site, love Twin Peaks,

I'm down like a clown, Charlie Brown. Let's do it, Sincere Sensei. I'm down in the hood in M-town and I've always wanted to hit up Dollywood again since our parents took us as kids. Around the corner used to be this crazy ass water slide carved into a mountain. AWESOME!!!!

Dolly f'n RAWKS!!! From her fake hair to those big 'ol fake tittays! She has one of the best quotes ever…"I don't mind when people call me a dumb blonde because I know I'm not dumb. I'm also not blonde."


Daryl maked more than Michael.

@ Bernice - There ARE indeed contracts in the retail world. That's how companies agree to prices, etc. For someone to want "realistic business" then you should know it.

Not to mention that he's the regional manager and not a salesman. If he WERE in a non-compete agreement then it would be related to management and not sales.

Nayeth, dickholes! Let's stop the madness and enjoy Sweet Dee's dreams being destroyed yet again!

The Fred Savage episodes seem to be hit or miss. Didn't like the whole CSI Dennis flashbacks. Dee and Charlie have been paired up quite a bit this season. I LOVED seeing how Charlie really lives. This should have been two different episodes. I would have liked to seen more of Charlie and Dee's life switch and a

Mike Myers
$5 he comes dressed as the Love Guru and it wins for best summer movie so far.

No love for Dewey Cox?
That movie was stupid enough that I figured it HAD to have made their list. It DOES have Apatow's name on it after all. And it has to do with music. Oh, nevermind…MTV has nothing to do with music. What was I thinking?

I'm not your buddy, Friend.

I thought he was going to use it with Devan. He looked at the tampon, then at Devan, and then put it in his coat pocket.

Well, reality as far as I've seen homeless folks really cooking on a trash can lid. Other than that, yeah, definite unreality!

Rickety Cricket's Devolution
I love the reality and brutalness of this show. Rickety is now missing teeth and a common street rat. I laughed so hard it hurt when I saw them cooking drug brownies on a trash can lid over a grate on a trash fire. Rickety was a priest and had moved on past Dee. All it took was the miracle

At first I wanted Sweet Dee to win the bar, but after thinking about it I decided that would totally suck. All of these guys are assholes! They all deserve to lose in life. That's what makes this so funny! BEST SHOW ON TV!!!