And that's when you double down!
And that's when you double down!
You're going to despair so much you're going to get tired of despairing!
You'll know when the time is right…
Is this a spoiler about the plot, or about the racial politics of the casting/public perception of the movie?
I don't even need a whole dinner - I will happily walk you through TurboTax for leftovers.
I'm still working my way through the gristle, but I have been sort of disappointed so far- it feels to me like mid-series show "Weeds". I was really hoping Victor Fresco was going to make another "Better Off Ted" style show with quicker wit and sharper satire.
He was promoted to the rank of Master.
He has the perfect genes of an oompa loompa.
Sad, depressed upvote (charlie brown/AD sad segway theme music plays)
They're pulling Better off Ted from Netflix. It's not just the big structural changes that threaten our way of life and the potential for security and success, it's also the little things that make me happy being taken away or made more difficult to enjoy.
We will prepare the ceremonial avocados for the celebration!
Those sweet, sweet ringgits!
Try not to refer to white power biker asshole as "Dirty Ears Biker Asshole" - that will only make things worse.
I would hope the knife is something you could complain about to the management of the gym. I don't think that's safe, and probably not very good for any kind of resistance training either.
Finally a win for the Disney underdog!
Even Gauls are white.
Closer every day…
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't one of the assertions that he massively overstates the value of these projects, and then claims losses when he's forced to admit the real value, thus dodging taxes, while not actually losing money?
Upvoting you here when I should be over there doing something else.