
I think that's a great question, and I'd be ok with either interpretation. I haven't made it to see Fences yet, but since it's based on a play, I would think the dialogue and screenplay would be largely influenced by the play, and therefore more work would would have to be done in Arrival to adapt it to the screen.

This is the first time I've felt strongly about "Best Adapted Screenplay" - have you read the short story that is the basis for the "Arrival"? It is something like 25 pages, and I liked it, but it's a lot of science and not a lot of story, and I thought the adaptation to film improved it a lot and gave it a depth that

With the amazing educational and financial resources of the lower middle class in the rust belt at their disposal? That's as naive as "just go to where the jobs are, or get a job or whatever, stop bothering me".
I'm not happy with them either, and I share your frustration, but they're not going to die out.

I don't think it was all Trump voters by any stretch, but I think it could be some. I don't think the Democrats have a comfortable enough majority to ignore any segment of the population.

The "deadenders" assessment and write-off is part of the reason (aside from any misogyny and racism, neither of which should be tolerated or forgiven) why they voted with a big middle finger towards the establishment. I'm not saying what they did was right or smart, or that it won't come back to bite them, but I can

She looks like the evil master of Ann Coulter from some Penny Dreadful-type story.

That's a bold assertion there, q-pa!

If you're not sure, maybe don't go throwing around armchair diagnoses, or sharing them?

It is an ethos. And a fair amount of it was spoken in both the campaign and at the inauguration.

He was in charge of all the Spice. Where does the plot go from there?

Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism…and hell, they probably are over at the actual inauguration.

Damnit, Gandalf, that's your answer to everything!

As usual, your detective skills are impeccable, Samson. You have succeeded in exposing my sinister plan to lock myself in a dungeon, chained to AN ALBINO!

Counterpoint: Colin Hanks.

Do you really think they're unable? Is it possible they just don't care?

For now.

He doesn't have the balls to be History's Greatest Monster.

Bob Ross would have a word with you, only he's too kind and gentle, so he just kept painting happy trees.

And upon saying that slighted a third, Richard Berry, who was also an amazing musician and performer ("Louie Louie", among others).

Dammit, Cheney, stay out of this!