Stupid Sexy Flanders.

This director has also worked on the cinematic masterpieces such as 3 Ninjas and Cool Runnings. I bet it says "Yes Man" on his business card.

The world finally gets a Troy McClure episode and we learn that the man is sexually attracted to fish. Genius is not a word I use lightly… but damn.

Ahem, the show did foreshadow Nick and Sarah's relationship. The "Tests and Breasts" episode showed her clearly infatuated with Nick and conversing over ABBA. She was also in the pilot. Even in a show that had a cutback of episodes for its first and only season, it covered plot points like this really well.

Hopefully he's a straight shooter and realizes she plays by her own rules. They're the original odd couple!

When something's successful… Just do more of it! You can't lose!

They had to magically lower Nancy Cartwright's voice for this episode and it worked really well. How did Golden Era Simpsons get everything right??

Soon, there'll be an articel just titled #WildHoneyPieIsTheGreatestSongOnTheWhiteAlbum

Snakes On A Plane

Let's ignore the fact that Erik picked a finale that wasn't a finale and say… BBC's The Office went on too long? Really?

I love, love, love the last shot of this episode where Patty and Selma stand there realizing they've been defeated by Homer Simpson.

“comedy with dramatic overtones”  a bit pretentious, eh?

What iff Simpons wass stil on the aire tuday?

Where's my Burrito?

Caveman over here once had his DVDs mailed to him! By the Post Office!

Prequel on Betty's childhood…Prequel on Betty's childhood…Prequel on Betty's childhood…Prequel on Betty's childhood…


Exactly. Hank is not a complicated guy. He went out not giving in, like always.

You know, come to think of it… Sarah Louise Palin really wasn't capable of being president of the United States.

My favorite line in the whole movie is Brat Pitt thinking he gets the upper hand with "You think that's a Schwin."