Stupid Sexy Flanders.

I've waterrrred 'er down as far as she'll goo!

I've waterrrred 'er down as far as she'll goo!

I agree. They pulled off the time traveling elements really well. They also named the episode "The Incident" after it being referred that way in the initial training video at beginning of the 2nd season.

I agree. They pulled off the time traveling elements really well. They also named the episode "The Incident" after it being referred that way in the initial training video at beginning of the 2nd season.

Hey, it's better than Total Recall

Hey, it's better than Total Recall

Achilles the janitor?

Achilles the janitor?

The Dude Abides.

The Dude Abides.

I was hoping he was too busy for that.

I was hoping he was too busy for that.

Bad Santa: Wish in one hand. Shit in the other.

I get up when I want, except on Wednesdays.

I get up when I want, except on Wednesdays.

Holy shit. I went to Orlando for a Spring Training game and it looked like the most depressing place to live in the U.S. Let's just say the only place I found to buy beer other than Miller Lite was at a Publix.

Holy shit. I went to Orlando for a Spring Training game and it looked like the most depressing place to live in the U.S. Let's just say the only place I found to buy beer other than Miller Lite was at a Publix.

I think I'll show this clip to some kids who just walked out of The Watch

I think I'll show this clip to some kids who just walked out of The Watch

That takes a little more ambition than a Manic Pixie Dream Girl.