Stupid Sexy Flanders.

Batman origin story was in 1989. A reboot was in 2005. A full reboot only 10 years after the origin story for Spider-Man seems a little trite.

Nikki and Paulo

Actual Bill Maher joke:

Batman is clearly going to get a reboot, so…

Glad to know I wasn't alone.

What a bunch of fucking idiots. Where'd the cheese go? should be a classic.  Seriously, I don't know what I'd give up to have seen the suits' reaction to their revised version.

Yeah, I don't get it either.

When God gives you lemons, you find a new god!

Going through Jon Hamm's 1990s IMDB as "Gorgeous Guy #2" was especially good.

Alright! A prequel saga!

The 2010 Atlanta Braves. Done.

I'll defend The Finale to the death. Is it really too heavy handed to have the series end with the characters in jail for a year after many of their transgressions? Please.

Laughs are cheap. They're going for gasps!

Ah, Netflix. Great for the instant gratification.

But without all that anabolic steroids and Viagra like Rafael Palmeiro.


Walter with a pistol shouting "Mark It Zero" on my chest.

So a guy found out seconds ahead of time that a football player rolled his ankle. See, this is because he had a faster internet service on his mobile phone. What this doesn't preclude is the fact that the same football player would go to a parking lot in the stadium and have his rolled ankle mended by a tailgater. A

I have to commend that movie for using its one allotted PG-13 "fuck" as a major plot point.