Stupid Sexy Flanders.

You, Sir, have a chicken finger problem.

I listened to this album after the guy said it would be "esoteric." When of Montreal says that, you know it's gonna be shit. Thankfully, (regrettably is probably the better word) it's not that terrible. But still, it's hard to think this album has any merit when half of it is just Revolution no 9.

This is the most profound character study available.

Losing part of your face is so cool, I hope he does it again on a new show.

We all know none of us could actually differentiate between Ham Rove and Rove Rove.

Please let us know in 2014.

I really prefer the 1969 Seattle Pilots uniforms, myself

It may not have been "new" but at least they got to visit the Wod Fir.

Die Hard was awesome.

Cool story, bro.


We're not going to Chili's until I hit one!

"Pete’s unlikely past as a Reagan-era Olympic contender that exists solely
for the sake of a groan-inducing avalanche of ham-fisted, sub-Family Guy '80s references. 30 Rock used to be above the whole reference-as-punchline business. No more, apparently."

The crazy secretary is the crazy secretary from AD.

TPM utterly fails as a film, a first leg in a trilogy, and a piece of Star Wars cannon. Jedi works as a film, a final leg of a trilogy, and for Star Wars.

In Jedi you actually see dead Ewoks. You don't see any dead or injured Gungans.

I think you forgot to throw in the phrase "for the layman"

You should go to Applebees!

Video Games is a legitimately great song. 

"I'm not saying that white is better. I'm saying being white is clearly better."