Stupid Sexy Flanders.

Keystone Light can go to hell.

The Office
Has The Office been renewed for its 8th (and 1st post-Steve Carrell) season? I hope not. I'd like to see it bow out gracefully this May.

Odds are we'll see him again since Charlie and Dee likely got him fired.

The Simpsons' "Golden Era" is seasons 3-8, or about 27% of the show's 22 season current run.

Is this their first live album?

Don't Forget About
The Munsters Remake!

The way I see it there are 4 options to why Kenny started the game:

What are you, a fuckin park ranger now?

Terry Pendelton finally got demoted to first base coach. Imagine if Atlanta had a decent hitting coach this year? McLouth, Gonzalez, Cabrea, Diaz… well basically the whole outfield wouldn't have been atrocious. I still am a firm believer he can point runners to second base though.

Did I miss something?
Or is this the beginning of the Fuck Zach Galifianakis bandwagon?

I hope that song is 11 minutes like the creedence version.

It feels like I'm wearing nothing at all!

I'm surprised they didn't pull a "Walk Hard" and just have Kenny say "This is a dark fucking period!" when he was drunk on the mound.

That Gupta. He's such as a pest!

A good producer away from an A-. (It's definitely too long)

Sadly, the only thing American public schools can do right is to serve as a springboard for the NCAA or professional sports. Keep it up America!

Fred: The Movie is the worst things since bagpipes.

to answer your question Guancous, it's Davis Cross.
