the Killer Dynamo

black folks talk to the screen, white folks talk to each other.

Great name, Tinsel.

I hate that commercial.

I thought I recognized that motherfucker.

"[Idris Elba] [does] his best.
Perfect[!] Successful[!]
[Ali Larter] [is a] temptress[!]

How long does it usually take for someone to go from barely being able to Force grab a lightsaber to lifting several things at once while balancing on one hand?

He's got to clean it anyway. It's not like by not trashing the room first he won't have to clean it. Besides, if he doens't trash the room, what is he gonna do? Go home early and spend time with his shitty kid?

Richard and his crew are NOT dead.

It was Ben who kills them, Busboy.

I have to point out out the Johnny Impassioned-Speech up there said the Ewoks live on a planet.

Holy shit, I never realized that was the same guy!

I give it an Employee Pricing-plus-PLUS.

That was Jimmy Hendrickson playing that saxophone at Woodstocks with Jackie Jormp-Jomp.

I could go for more Toofer, myself.

This is a true story:

I love Astronaut Jones so much I wanna take it out behind the middle school and get it pregnant.

"Wait, what's mean about being called a nerd?"

Maybe the Incident is that Miles is his own father! WHAAAAAA!?

It's clearly the saucer people in conjunction with the reverse vampires. We're through the looking glass here, people.

I could go for some Immortal Egyptian Chili.