Mister Yuck

Fine. I got this one. Don't mind if I do!

@avclub-86abadae66083747b648f9db35790fbe:disqus It's the tolerance that hurts the most.  Also, you're a hero.

   Yeah, sorry.  Not sure why I actually read these message boards.  No one on here seems to actually like the show, so that was my sad little protest. I thought this was a good episode that nicely encapsulated who Merle was and how he operated.  Ever since he reached the prison, he made it clear that the only real

"Clear" was boring.  I like this show.  Good episode.  So.  Myeh.

Fair enough.  In all seriousness, it probably is a legitimate grade if you're grading it against other episodes of The Walking Dead.  But if you're grading it in terms of general quality, or against other TV shows in general, it's a weak grade for a strong episode.

Sometimes things just magically come together.  *clenches teeth and resists urge to make Glenn and Maggie joke*

Ugh.  Could we have someone review this who isn't quite so primed to crap all over it?

"It should be a shock when he strides out and shoots an injured man in the head, but it’s mostly just funny."  Yes.  A riot.