
Not exactly 'realistic', but I think a nod to Pam in Archer would be worthwhile; a fairly singular representation if ever there was one…

Dude, it's welching. Not squelching. Baggels <sigh> .

Dude, it's welching. Not squelching. Baggels <sigh> .

I'm gonna go ahead and jump in here - I'll admit to a fair amount of bias, being a fan, but I honestly could give a shit that he reuses phrases, and character dynamics, and settings, and themes… As a writer he has a strong voice, and strong preoccupation with certain ideas. He's been stolen from pretty much endlessly

I'm gonna go ahead and jump in here - I'll admit to a fair amount of bias, being a fan, but I honestly could give a shit that he reuses phrases, and character dynamics, and settings, and themes… As a writer he has a strong voice, and strong preoccupation with certain ideas. He's been stolen from pretty much endlessly

And my Dad's had a woman in an apartment in Santa Monica for 27 years.

Even though I don't actually watch the show, and probably won't, it does feel me with warm gooey feelings that the Borz is doing well somewhere. Now if only we could sort out Amy Acker and Alexis Denisof with something, we'd be set. And Nicholas Brendon, he's had a rough go of it.

He's very good.

Save it for the fast money round, Paddy.

I don't think I could handle it, not after Horsebot 3000.







ABC, you are human tennis elbow. You are the pizza burn on the roof of the world's mouth.

Dial it back, Lavernica.

Take it, Pierce.
