Obama Mahoney

Well done AVclub. That's the worst photo I've ever seen of Idris Elba. I want the guy who played Adebisi in Oz!

Rollins is right! Man up! Read your Nietzsche and lift weights. Then those weak-ass suicidal thoughts will know their place….. Henry watches his carton of eggs and waits for the chicken to pop out.

Hah! Semitic good looks indeed. Three words that just don't go together

Great news, but “All my heroes / They’re all dead” and “I can see what the world has done to you / I can feel the weight,” are not exactly lyrics I would pick for a positive album review.

With THAT name and THAT avatar, I'd say it's a lock.

I think what really bothers me about both shows' treatment of their female characters is the total lack of…………………………………..disappears into miasma of own farts

I'm sure I agree with what he meant to convey, but I'm pretty sure audiences are not smarter these days. They may have seen it all before though.

And you ,sir, are tastless, homophobic, racist..and……..goofophobic (IT'S A MOVEMENT I SWEAR). Even so, Molly and Malvo were more than a little OTT in their dichotomous natures.
Malvo's escape from the basement needed some explaining. He seemed to be half terminator, half Anton Chigurh, half Candyman.

Poor Chief Bill! He reminded me of a softer, 'aw schucks' kind of Tommy Lee Jones in No Country.
Nice way for Lester to go. The ground swallows him into icey hell.
I hope Gus planted Malvo's gun at his side, or he's not getting cited for bravery.

It was clearly full of gay-baiting with some white privilege and a dash
of transphobia. Seriously though, the only thing that concerns me about
this show is that it is consistently killing-off or marginalizing some of the
best actors. Charles Dance and Rory McCann gone in one episode. If I ever see Sibil Kikelli

You are correct. Consider it discussed. #authorityoneverything

If someone dies prone I usually assume the cause of death includes an accident, intoxication +/- sodomy. I know "sodomy can't be listed on a death certificate unless you are a haemophiliac"

me no say better self sentence good

Oh, I'm sure he'll walk it off. Agreed though, she is a total peevish dick at this stage.

"Malvo is entirely equitable". That's his only admirable quality. It gets my blood up when people write their own narratives into pieces of art(!) that aren't intended to stand up Rorschach-levels of interpretation. He is the Devil! He hates/despises all living things. Maybe there will be a thread about how this show

Hey guys! Let's try and find misogyny in everything. "There’s some fascinating, subtle use of misogyny in this episode to remind us just how ill-prepared Malvo is to deal with Molly." So fascinating and subtle that it isn't even there.

The Mountain is nowhere near as annoying.

I detest Green Day. This guy's incoherent critique doesn't contain any of the reasons why.

I'm not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your police work, there, Lou,

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me! Words to live by. Ensures one doesn't become a hypersensitive dick.