Irish Goodbye

Nice striper, Mick. 

I'm thru Ep. 9, and at this point I'm struggling. Here's why:

"mildly clever"?


I own several pint glasses that I've randomly swiped over the years.  Last summer at Central BBQ in Memphis, I even told the cashier. At the end of my order I said "and I'm gonna keep this pint glass". No charge.

Love the photo above. Looks like Kubrick is soberly considering what the cock has to say.

I'll see that, and I raise you a:
LOST has long addressed philosophical arguments obliquely. S1 and s2
gave us a glimpse of the relative merits of capitalist oligarchy and
socialist elitism. The show has long suggested that individuals tend
toward certain social roles naturally, that if human relationships
cannot be

Four, ya whippersnapper.

Tractor thread!

Tractor thread!

I like the $50 offer. There's no way they should reasonably ask anyone to replace ripped movies.
Also, I wouldn't let them babysit anymore; they sound like dipshits.


Wow, brave stance there, throwing "Mildly Irritating" at McDonald's.  Fight the power, girl.

—A lobotomized Bieber (trust me) lies in his bed, blankly staring at the ceiling. Taylor enters the room and speaks softly to Bieber. After realizing Bieber's condition, Taylor picks up a pillow and, crying, holds it firmly over Bieber's face until Bieber ceases struggling.

Will do, Hon! Love ya!

Usedta be a truck in my neighborhood with a Calvin peeing sticker, and the target was "EX-WIFE".


Too soon!

This movie is the tealest-looking I've seen in a while. Teal, orange. Orange, teal. 

Dane Cook?
Ray Lewis?
Donald Trump?