Thank you…. That song has been playing through my head since I saw this article, and honestly I think I sing it at random times for no reason.
Thank you…. That song has been playing through my head since I saw this article, and honestly I think I sing it at random times for no reason.
I knew I was in for a bad experience at the outset because I audibly groaned when hearing the names of the characters… Ugh… Jude, really? Prudence? you've got to be kidding me. There may have been more, but my brain shut down.
Yeah… that was another thing… despite all of the potential situations in which those songs would be appropriate in a narrative story, it seems like they used completely the wrong context for songs a lot. Especially the recruitment scene, I felt like the song was being sodomized before my eyes.
Unmutual…. to be fair, I think we have to grant that the various writers in the AV Club do not share a hive-mind. Keith didn't review AtU, Tasha did, so maybe Keith would have graded it better. Still, I'm surprised by a B- grade for this movie honestly.
Good point… I just hated to seem like I was picking on Keith's personal tastes…I guess I'm not a very good hipster douchebag yet. Will someone teach me?
Ummm…. Across the Universe?
Was not terrific in my opinion, surprisingly or otherwise… it felt like it was about 12 hours long, the actors sucked, and there were too many trite obvious lead-ins to songs. There were a couple of good covers in there, and there were a couple of scenes that were pretty enough to live up…
They got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses…
Again, I think people need to separate how Faith was written as a character from how well Dushku can act. Faith was written in Dushku's wheelhouse, which is a confused, sometimes bad girl with daddy issues. It worked, and made an especially good counterpoint to Buffy in season 3, with some good callbacks to the…
I think the only reason she seemed to act well in the first Faith arc was because she wasn't really acting at all, she was just playing a scared kid going where life took her and hating the goody-two-shoes Buffy. While I do think that the S4 switch ep and a lot of what she did after that were an improvement, I think…
The problem is, by the time we get past Whedon battling with the studio, the show has lost its entire potential audience except the true die-hards.
Thank you Zack… as much as I love Joss' shows, I can't believe how many are willing to forgive him such a huge mistake as letting Dushku try to show off her acting chops. Faith was terribly annoying as a predictable "bad girl gets seduced by the dark side" character (although I will say she was better on Angel in the…
The height of awkwardness
So I was having fun breezing through this MYOF entry, and then I got to that last photo (movie still? publicity shot?)… which I can't stop laughing at. Is it just me or does it look like Geena Davis and Matthew Modine are on vacation somewhere cheesy, and they are getting one of those…
Secret Keys
I have been making references to "secret keys" at my job, just in the last couple of weeks, and I couldn't remember where the hell the reference was from. Thank god you swooped in to relieve my confusion. That is really one of my favorite Bill McNeil lines.
That's right, I made an acronym of that title bitches… Anyway, that movie totally deserves to be on the list, and anyone who says otherwise has clearly not watched the DVD track with extra farts added. I'm not just talking about major blowouts throughout the movie, that shit had CLASS, adding little poots when…
No need for the apostrophe
I think the common spelling that is popular with the kids today is "asplosion". as in:
Wow… awesome response time. I feel honored that you are stepping over each other to answer my question.
More Taste Test Ideas
Yeah yeah crickets sound disgusting… but I really want you guys to try something that I just saw yesterday and I am scared to try…. Chocolate Skittles. This seems to be the perfect kind of mishmash candy for this series.
Touche QBer….
Heh… I totally forgot about the onion personals… I guess those lonely losers are ok because they are peddling their services on a website for hipsters. But if I pay someone money to coach me how to make an onion personals profile, does that balance out?
So…. what are you hating today again?
Is this about people who can't be original on, or people who are on at all? More importantly, is this about people who charge $100 for profile coaching, or about the suckers who pay for it? I honestly can't tell, and if it's the latter in both questions, I…