what am i

Perhaps on HBO (or other) the lighting might have been better as Mason cuts off his face, but I think this way is so much more horrific. My imagination was running wild. I squirmed more than I can remember for a long time.

Yeah I can understand that, but I typically enjoy my music based on what I think as opposed to what other people think.

Not to get off on a tangent, but I've always felt the band that has the post-grunge sound yet started nearly the same time as grunge is Tool. Somehow Tool melds metal, grunge, and stoner rock (even before the latter two existed en masse) and still remains relevant yet never quite duplicated. When ever someone askd

Boo, Wendy Testaburger, Boo

So there is only room in my schedule for one ridiculous and absurd guilty pleasure and The Blacklist has won out over Sleepy Hollow for me. Good bye funny talking, convenient answer perpetrator Ichabod Crane and hello funny talking, convenient answer perpetrator Red Reddington.

The Space Madness episode is the one that made me fall in love with Ren and Stimpy.  I had never seen anything like that 12 minute cartoon before or since.  I couldn't turn away.

When I first watched Revenge of the Nerds, I really thought that concert may have been the coolest thing (aside from staying out all night and boobs).  I watch it now and realize I must not have been very… anything.

Three thumbs up!

Why does someone else's enjoyment affect our perception of the universe as we see it in a negative way?

Am I the only one who's favorite Metallica album is …..Justice?

Headless Horseman:   You have no head!
Clancy Brown:   Yes I do

Forgive me if this is a dumb question, I'm not wise to the original story.  What's with the headless horseman cutting off everybody's head?  Is it some sort of penis envy thing?

Aspirin yes, cow no……  ok cow yes

Will there be a limit on the white underwear costume?

I remember early Fringe did a decent job IMO of combining monster-of-the-week and pushing the overall story arc simultaneously.  I'm hoping this series chooses that route.