Nortipus Rex

So good I had to say it twice, apparently.

This movie fucking rules.
And so does John Turturro. So fuck you AV Club.

This movie fucking rules.
And so does John Turturro. So fuck you AV Club.

Electronic Renaissance
is my favorite song on Tigermilk, too.

Black guy smacking the white girl with lyme disease. Now that was some good shit. All down hill from there.

You are correct, sir.

I agree. If we're talking ROCK & ROLL, give me the Stones and Zeppelin easily over the Beatles.

Uh…um….I'm not sure how to react here.

The shameless firstie is back in full force, people.

Live Nation goes under in 1-2-3…
Seriously how can this "Live Nation" afford to sink all that money into these artists? How are they going to earn a profit of this? Madonna, U2 and Jay-Z? Aren't these acts getting a little old for these $100 million deals?

I think Matt Damon is very believe as that character. And besides, Damon seems to be a pretty smart and decent guy from what I see. Good actor, too. Sorry but I really don't find Matt Damon to be a hatable guy.